What is IUI Treatment?

Intrauterine Insemination which is commonly known as IUI is a kind of fertility treatment that includes placing the sperm right inside the uterus in order to induce fertilization. The main goal of this technique is to increase the chances of getting pregnant naturally by enhancing the number of sperms directly into the uterus usually offered together with ovulation-inducing drugs, which increase the chances of pregnancy, and Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound (TVS), which helps in predicting ovulation.
KD Blossom provides the effective IUI treatment in India with the advantages to kick off the fertilization by injecting sperms into the uterus, but still the sperms must need to reach and fertilize the egg on its own. The IUI procedure required minimum invasion and minimum expense when compared to the other fertility treatments like IVF.
IUI is a popular infertility treatment option in cases of sub-fertility and unexplained infertility among others. It has fewer side effects and fewer health risks along with low cost and good success rates.
3-6 IUI cycles are recommended when all the criteria met for IUI. After completing 6 cycles of IUI, your chances of conceiving decrease dramatically.
If it fails after 3-6 cycles then moving on to a more aggressive treatment such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the next option.