Obstetrics: Nurturing Mothers and Babies Through Every Stage


Obstetrics is a field of medicine that deals with the postpartum period as well as the delivery of the baby. It includes prenatal, perinatal, and postpartum.

Expert care for your reproductive health like fetal medicine, Neonatal care, painless labor, and 3D-4D sonography.

Painless labor

Painless labor in obstetrics refers to techniques and medication used to reduce the pain experienced by a woman during childbirth. The goal is to make the labor process more comfortable for the mother while still ensuring safety for both mother and baby.

Fetal medicine

Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the health and development of the fetus during pregnancy. The fetal medicine specialists are obstetrics and gynecology. The knowledge of complications in pregnancy be it medical, surgical, or genetic.

3D-4D sonography

It includes 3D-4D like a photograph of your baby. It allows healthcare providers to see more detail and depth compared to traditional 2D ultrasound. This means parents can see their baby moving, yawning, or even sucking their thumb during the ultrasound session.

What conditions do obstetrics treat?

In obstetrics, we treat various conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Common conditions include:

• Gestational diabetes
• Pre-eclampsia
• Placenta praevia
• Gestational hypertension
• Miscarriage
• High blood pressure
• Preterm labour
• Cervical insufficiency
• Ectopic pregnancy
• Abortion

Placenta Previa

In placenta previa in obstetrics where the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix which causes bleeding in the mother during pregnancy. Risk factors of placenta previa include previous cesarean previa, advanced maternal age, multifetal gestation, grand multiparity, smoking, and fibroids.

Preterm labor

It refers to the onset of labor before 37 weeks of pregnancy. It is a significant concern as premature birth can lead to various health complications of the baby.

Causes of preterm labor:

• Poor maternal nutrition
• Placental abruption
• Toxins and drugs
• Multiple gestations
• Infections


The area of medicine that treats pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum phase is called obstetrics.

Obstetricians are doctors who specialize in caring for pregnant women and ensuring the health of both mother and baby throughout pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an incredible journey filled with changes and challenges. Obstetrics plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe and healthy delivery of babies and supporting mothers throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood.

They monitor the progress of the pregnancy and provide prenatal care, assist with labor and delivery, and postpartum care to ensure the well-being of the mother and newborn baby.

Looking for the best maternity hospital, KD Blossom is one of the best choices you can make in Ahmedabad. We have obstetrician specialists who are experienced in dealing with complications of pregnancy, genetics queries, and disorders.