Nurturing Healthy Habits:
A guide to developing healthy eating patterns in Picky Eaters


Us adults love the idea of newborns, they are cute, tiny and sweet, no doubt they are but in their growing years come some tantrums, may differs for different children. Among many other types of kids throwing their tantrums at their parents, a nightmare for some is picky eaters. Getting the right type of food and nutrition in the growing years is the most important to save one from a lifetime of health problems. But for parents of picky eaters, a question arises for sure, how to make them eat healthy and nutritious food for the proper development of their physical and mental body.
With the right strategies and support, it’s possible to encourage children to embrace a varied and nutritious diet. In sthis article, we’ll explore effective ways to develop healthy habits in picky eaters, drawing on expert advice and evidence-based practices.

At KD Blossom we have top paediatricians who guide and counsel parents with any problems with children in their growing ages.

Understanding Picky Eating:

Children commonly go through this phase of picky eating characterized by a reluctance to try new foods or a limited range of preferred foods. While picky eating can be frustrating for parents, it’s important to remember that it’s often a normal part of child development. It is essential to address picky eating habits early on as persistent picky eating habits can impact a child’s nutritional intake and overall health.

A few solutions to dealing with picky eaters are:

1.Creating positive mealtime environment
2.Introducing new foods
3.Getting creative with Meal Preparation
4.Routine establishment
5.Seeking Professional Help

Creating Positive Mealtime Environment:

To create a positive mealtime environment is one of the key strategies for developing healthy eating habits in picky eaters. This involves patience, consistency, and encouragement. Parents must avoid pressuring or forcing your child to eat certain foods, as this can lead to negative associations with mealtime. Focusing on offering a variety of nutritious foods allowing your child to explore and experiment at their own pace is advisable.

Introducing new foods:

The idea of introducing new foods for picky eaters can be challenging but it’s an important step in expanding their palate and promoting variety in their diet. Start by introducing small amounts of new foods alongside familiar and favourite food items and be patient if your child hesitates to try them at first glance. Offer positive and positive reinforcement for any attempts to try new foods, even if they only take small bite or touch the food with their tongue.

Getting creative with Meal Preparation:

Kids are usually fascinated with things that have a visual appeal, in this case, if the food in the plate is presented in an appealing way can encourage picky eaters to try new things. Get creative with meal preparation by incorporating fun shapes, colours and textures into your child’s meals. Involving your child in meal preparation can also make them feel more invested in the process and can give them a sense of subtle pride and achievement and may give rise to a feeling in them to try on the new foods that they worked with.

Routine establishment:

Along with getting creative with meals, establishing a routine may also do the trick. We know consistency is the key when it comes to building habits and that is also applicable here, Establishing a regular mealtime routine can help create a sense of structure and predictability for your child. Aiming for regular meal and snack times might help them normalise consistency in eating. This in turn may help them to be consistent with food intake and not throw any other kind of tantrums when it comes to choosing the food they eat and they will slowly and steadily welcome the food they denied. minimizing distractions like electronic devices or televisions will help them concentrate on food, which will help them build a bond with the food they eat and this will definitely result in them recognising the food better and eventually getting consistent with it.

Seeking Professional Help:

If any of the above tools and techniques do not work, seeking professional help to be able to fix the picky eating of your child is recommended, and it should not be done as the last resort but rather early because as much as you push it further away your child is deprived of nutrition that is necessary for the development of a healthy body, the leading paediatricianspaediatric guidanceprofessiona at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital in Ahmedabad are available to provide expert guidance and support for parents of picky eaters. They will most definitely work with you to develop personalized strategies and meal plans tailored to your child’s unique needs and preferences.

Paediatric Guidance at KD Blossom Hospital:

Dr. Vishwanath Shukla who is an excellent paediatrician and Dr. Sneha Patel who is a paediatrician and a neonatologist at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital provide exemplary childcare services and guide parents in each step of childcare, helping children have the happy life they deserve.


In conclusion, managing picky eating in kids might be difficult, but it's possible to establish good eating habits from a young age with perseverance, imagination, and expert advice. Parents may encourage their finicky eaters to embrace a varied and nutrient-dense diet by establishing a good mealtime atmosphere, introducing new foods gradually, and including children in meal preparation. Effectively handling fussy eating habits also requires routine development and expert assistance as required. Our skilled physicians at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital offer tailored advice and assistance to ensure that kids flourish and realize their full potential.