Importance of Birth Plans for Expectant Parents

Importance of Birth Plans for Expectant Parents


The journey of pregnancy begins with conceiving and is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride, filled with ups and downs, excitement, anticipation, and also some nervousness as the journey unfolds. There is so much preparation the expectant parents do before their baby arrives, prenatal care, supplies for the babies, small ceremonies, thinking of names, and so much more, but one very important aspect which also deserves equal attention is generally overlooked by them. This aspect is the birth plan. A birth plan is like a roadmap for labor and delivery. It is the one that outlines the preferences and expectations of the birthing experience and alerts the parents about what other preparations have to be done on their part for the same.

What is a birth plan?

A birth plan is a written document that includes the preference of the mother-to-be as to what she would like to happen during her labor. A birth plan can help the mother feel supported during the process of birthing and it can also help her partner to prepare for the birth, not only this, the team of doctors who will be there for the delivery will also be aware of how you expect to receive support and feel included in the decisions of your baby’s birth.

Though the birth plan is a written document, it is not legally binding. At KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital which is the best women’s hospital in Ahmedabad, people are educated about birth plans and deliveries are also performed based on these birth plans.

Do you need to have a birth plan?

Though it is not necessary for each and every pregnant individual to have one, you can just have a word with your healthcare provider and that should be enough. But to have it written down gives it emphasis and importance.

Even if Birth plans are written down once, a mother can always make changes in it as the pregnancy moves forward. At KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital the expert team of obstetricians and gynaecologists are very welcoming and supportive when it comes to birth plans as we know how important it is to ease the fruit of a tedious9 month journey as much as possible.

What all can you include in your birth plan?

1. Birthing position
2. Pain management
3. Post Birth Care
4. About labor
5. About Delivery
6. Baby care
7. Birth environment

1. Birthing Position

There are various birthing positions such as, walking and standing position, sitting position, kneeling position, position using a birthing ball and a few more. The mother can try and discuss with her obstetrician whether it would be safe to go ahead with a particular position and add it in the birth plan.

2. Pain management

Women have preferences not just when it comes to the type of delivery the want but also what they would like during their natural birth. Some prefer a medication-free natural birth while others may prefer to get an epidural as soon as pain kicks in. There are many other strategies to manage pain and women may list them in their birth plan as well.

3. Post birth care

Post birth care may include instructions regarding whether you want to hold your baby skin to skin immediately after the birth, what king of pain relief you expect, the people you would or would not want in the room, after how long would you want your baby bathed etc.

4. About labor

Here a woman can mention how she prefers to induce labor, if you want to walk, if you want to use some object like a chair or a ball, if you want a bath or not, if you would want to drink some fluids that are permitted or maybe eat something etc.

5. About Delivery

When it comes to delivery, you may mention if there are any arrangements to save the umbilical cord blood for the future of the baby, if you want the room to be as quiet as possible during the delivery, if you want one of your family members to cut the umbilical cord etc.

6. Baby Care

Baby care instructions include preferences like you would like to breastfeed the baby as soon as possible or immediately have a skin to skin contact, let a family member perform a small ritual, would you want the baby to be beside you all the time and much more.

7. Birth Environment

You may ask for something like religious mantras being played for a smooth delivery, dimming the lights while giving birth, or having pictures or idols of the God you believe in or maybe pictures of the family, would you like your partner to get the birth recorded, etc

The above mentioned are not the only instructions you can mention in your Birth Plan, you can include other factors like who would you like your birthing team to include, delivery of the placenta, medical history, vacuum extraction, episiotomy and much more. The leading team of obstetricians and gynaecologists at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital ask in detail about all aspects to individuals who wish to have a birth plan so that they can think about every detail about their delivery.


Creating a birth plan gives pregnant parents the ability to speak out for their choices during labor and delivery, which promotes support and a sense of control. At the top gynaecological hospital in Ahmedabad, KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital, our skilled staff prioritizes your requirements and preferences to provide individualized treatment that is in line with your birth plan and makes your delivery unforgettable.