How advances in Fetal Medicine
are Transforming Prenatal Care

What is Fetal Medicine?

The field of foetal medicine stands as a beacon of hope and innovation in the realm of prenatal care, dedicated to optimizing the health and well-being of both, the foetus and mother. Foetal medicine comprises a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis, management and treatment of foetal conditions, ranging from structural abnormalities to genetic disorders and complex medical conditions detected during pregnancy.

Intrinsically, fetal medicine is profound commitment to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to expectant parents facing challenging pregnancies. Foetal Medicine experts as at KD Blossom Women and Child Care hospital a At the leading women care Hospital in Ahmedabad, strive to identify foetal abnormalities at the earliest stages of development, by utilizing and employing advanced technologies, state-of the mind imaging modalities and and advanced diagnostic techniques, which allows for timely interventions and tailored treatment plans.

Fetal medicine services at KD Blossom:

Fetal Medicine embraces a holistic approach to care, recognizing the importance of addressing the physical, emotional and psychosocial needs of expectant families and the interconnectedness of maternal and foetal health. AtKD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital – the best centre for gynaecological care, all the leading doctors and specialists like, gynaecologists, fetal medicine specialists, genetic counsellors, neonatologists and paediatricians, through collaborative effort aim to offer personalized support and guidance throughout the pregnancy journey.

At KD Blossom Women and child care hospital which provides the best in Ahmedabad for Fetal Medicine advancements. They provide comprehensive evaluation and diagnostics for all stages of foetal development.

They provide the following services:

1.Early Pregnancy scan which is done upto 10 weeks of pregnancy.
2.NT Scan which is done between 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy
3.Pre-eclampsia screening
4.Anomaly scan (TIFFA Scan) which is done between 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy
5.Fetal Echocardiography which is done between 22 to 24 weeks of pregnancy
6.Fetal growth scan which is done between 28 weeks to term
7.Biophysical Profile (BPP) which is done in the Third Trimester
8.Monitoring high-risk pregnancy

The Early Pregnancy Scan is also known as the dating or viability scan and is a crucial milestone that typically comes withing the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. This is an ultrasound examination that is performed to confirm the presence of viable intrauterine pregnancy, determine gestational age and assess fetal well being during the earliest stages of the development of the embryo.

The early pregnancy scan uses high frequency soundwaves to create time real time images of the uterus and the developing fetus to check its health and age. This is a non-invasive procedure and involves, placing a small probe or transducer on the abdomen or in some cases, vaginally for better visualization, depending on the gestational age and position of the uterus.

The key objectives of an early pregnancy scan include:

Confirmation of the pregnancy the primary goal of this scant is to confirm that this pregnancy is not ectopic (implantation outside the embryo) as it should be an intrauterine pregnancy

Determination of the gestational age i.e how many weeks has it been since the individual has conceived, by measuring the size of the gestational sac and the embryo

Assessment of fetal viability the fetal cardiac activity is typically seen as early as 6-7 weeks of gestation.

Evaluation for multiple gestations i.e. to check whether they are having twins or triplets

The Nuchul Translucency (NT) scan: At the best prenatal care place - KD Blossom women and child care hospital, is a prenatal screening test conducted between 11 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. It involves the use of ultrasound to measure the thickness of the nuchal translucency, a small fluid-filled space at the back of the baby’s neck, an increased thickness seen in this nuchal translucency can be associated with certain chromosomal abnormalities such as down syndrome, Edwards syndrome or Patau syndrome as well as other genetic disorders and congenital heart defects.

To provide a more detailed assessment of the baby’s risk of chromosomal abnormalities, the NT scan is usually combined with blood tests, such as maternal serum screening or non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT). If the NT measurement is higher than expected or if other risk factors are identified, further, other diagonostic tests may be recommended to confirm or rule out the presence of a genetic condition.

The TIFFA (Targeted imaging for Fetal Anomalies) scan is a specialized prenatal ultrasound scan performed between 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy. It aims to find out structural abnormalities or anomalies in the developing fetus. This detailed ultrasound examines various organs of the fetus, to identify any potential abnormalities. The TIFFA scan aids in assessing the baby’s growth and development as well as diagnose conditions such as congenital heart defects, neural tube defects or abnormalities in organ formation. Early detection through a TIFFA scan will allow for appropriate medical management and planning for the baby’s care after birth.

Pre-eclampsia scan: Pre-eclampsia is a kind of hypertension that some pregnant women experience. This illness develops following the 20th week of pregnancy. It entails diagnosing the possibility of having an illness during pregnancy that is marked by elevated blood pressure and organ damage. It takes place during prenatal appointments. Testing urine for protein and monitoring blood pressure are examples of screening methods. Other risk factors that are assessed include obesity, medical history, and the age of the mother. Liver and kidney functioning tests could also be included in the series. Early detection of pre-eclampsia facilitates monitoring and management techniques aimed at lowering the mother's and the child's risk of problems.

The best place to get a Pre-eclampsia scan done, is the best Women’s Hospital in Ahmedabad, which on detection of hypertension, will give nimble services.

Fetal Echocardiography: Conducted between 28 weeks of pregnancy to term, Fetal Echocardiography at the best prenatal care place - KD Blossom women and child care hospital, is a specialized ultrasound that examines the structure and function of the baby’s heart in utero. It aids in the detection of heart abnormalities which can affect the baby’s health. It is a non-invasive procedure, it provides detailed images of heart chambers, valves and blood vessels. This helps in early detection and diagonosis. Early diagnosis and identification of cardiac issues allows early medical management including appropriate post birth interventions.

Fetal Growth Scan: Typically performed between 28 weeks and term, a Fetal Growth Scan is a prenatal ultrasound that aims at assessing the baby’s size, development and growth. It provides important information about the estimated weight, head circumference, and more such information. This is a must from the perspective of monitoring the bay’s growth trajectory and ensures that they are developing appropriately based on their gestational age. This scan is also useful for the detection of conditions like macrosomia (excessive fetal growth) etc. for managing the required intermediation.

Biophysical Profile (BPP): this is a scan conducted in the third semester of pregnancy, this is for the overall check of the baby in the third trimester. it is a combination of ultrasound imaging with fetal movement, breathing movements, amniotic fluid volume. There is a score assigned to each parameter and conclusions are drawn accordingly.


In conclusion, the advancements in fetal medicine offered at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital which has the best gynaecologists in Ahmedabad to help who are are revolutionizing prenatal care. Through a holistic approach and state-of-the-art technologies, our dedicated team of experts ensures the early detection and personalized management of foetal conditions. From early pregnancy scans to specialized screenings like NT and TIFFA scans, we provide comprehensive evaluation and diagnostics for all stages of foetal development. With a focus on addressing the physical, emotional, and psychosocial needs of expectant families, we strive to optimize maternal and foetal health, offering peace of mind throughout the pregnancy journey.