Beyond breast cancer:
Exploring lesser-known conditions treated at breast clinics

What are breast clinics?

Breast clinics are specialized facilities within hospitals that solely focus on the treatment, diagnosis, and evaluation of breast related health concerns in a comprehensive manner. To provides a personalized and evidence-based care to patients, these clinics are staffed by multidisciplinary teams of healthcare professionals such as, breast surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, genetic counsellors, pathologists, and nurses.At KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital we have the best Gynaegologists, Breast Surgeons Pathologists and counsellors to the aid of the patients.

Following are the services provided by Breast Clinics:

1.Breast cancer screening
2.Diagnostic evaluations
3.Breast cancer Diagnosis and Staging
4.Genetic counselling and testing
5.Breast health education and support
6.Multidisciplinary care and co-ordination

Breast cancer screening

Routine screening services like breast ultrasounds, mammograms, and breast MRIs that detect early signs of breast cancer are provided by breast clinics. The guidelines formulated may vary based on individual risk factors, age, family history and more. The best breast clinic in Ahmedabad which is at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital has easy breast screening giving you perspicuous results.

Diagnostic Evaluations

It does not end at routine screening, in addition to that, breast clinics also offer diagnostic evaluations for individuals who have abnormal breast findings or symptoms such as breast pain, nipple discharge, breast lumps or changes in the appearance of the breast. Breast imaging and minimally invasive procedures are the diagnostic tests used, to assess any abnormalities. Breast imaging includes diagnostic mammography, ultrasound or MRI. MIS or minimally invasive procedures include breast biopsy or aspiration. At KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital we have only the best breast surgeon in Ahmedabad, Dr. Shefali Desai performs MIS if needed.

Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Staging

For individuals who are diagnosed with breast cancer, the clinic further provides the service of comprehensive diagnostic assessment to determine the stage of the cancer that individual has, to be able to develop treatment plans for them personalized and catering to their needs. This process may involve additional laboratory tests, imaging studies and consultations with medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and surgical oncologists.

Genetic Counselling and Testing

Genetics could play an important role when it comes diseases like cancer. Breast clinics also offer genetic counselling services for individuals with a family history. They also offer testing services to test and identify if there are any other genetic factors. The role of genetic counsellors is to assess the likelihood of inherited genetic mutations. These mutations could be associated with the increased risk of breast cancer. Genetic counsellors provide guidance on risk management surveillance and preventive strategies.

Multidisciplinary Care and co-ordination

In order to take holistic care of patients and give them treatment that is personalized to their disease, breast clinics often facilitate multidisciplinary collaborations with healthcare providers and specialists from various disciplines. These may involve regular tumor board meetings, case conferences and consultations. At KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital we have the best breast surgeon, Dr. Shefali Desai who is expert in a field having successfully performed many surgeries.

If we see above, breast clinics are usually talked about for their cancer diagnosis and treatment, the focus lies explicitly on cancerous ailments but there is much more to the services that breast clinics provide and the breast clinic at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital provides all the services beyond just cancer that we will discuss below.

While breast cancer is undoubtedly significant, and is mostly the most focused on in these clinics, there are quite a few breast conditions that are lesser-known and the best breast clinic in Ahmedabad which is at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital surely serves as a hub for diagnosing and treating these conditions as well.

A few lesser-known breast conditions


•A fibroadenoma is a painless, unilateral, benign breast tumour that is a solid, non-fluid lump which occurs mostly in the reproductive age which is commonly between 14-35 years of age in women but it can be found at any age.
• These are rubbery masses made up of glandular and fibrous tissue. It is mostly present as smooth, mobile lumps in the breast.
• Although it is non cancerous, it can cause anxiety in women who discover them during self examination or even through clinical test exam
• Breast clinics play a crucial role in diagonosing these via physical examinations and imaging studies.
• Treatment options: observation, ultrasound guided core needle biopsy, surgical removal in case of higher medical concerns.

Breast Cysts

•Breast cysts are fluif filled sacs that are usually non-cancerous. An individual ca sometimes feel them, especially if they become painful a few days before their menstrual cycle.
•In most cases breast cysts don’t need treatment and they disappear on their own
•Cysts can vary in size, and while most of them are benign and do not require treatment, there is a chance of them being aspirated during a clinc visit to rule out any malignancy
•Treatment: ultrasound imaging for aspiration (draining) procedure (this involves inserting a needle into the cyst and removing the fluid).


•Characterized by persistent nipple discharge unrelated to breastfeeding or pregnancy. This could be a clear, milky or bloody discharge and could occur spontaneously with nipple manipulation.
•This is non-cancerous and may be a result of hormonal imbalances, medications or certain medical conditions, it could be concerning for the people who experience it
•Treatment: ductography, biopsy, medications to regulate hormone levels and manage symptoms related to certain medical conditions.

Breast Clinic

•Also known as mastitis, these can occur when bacteria enter the breast tissue. Bacteria is able to enter the breast tissue only through a cracked nipple or other skin break.
•Mastitis is most commonly associated with breastfeeding women, there are possibilities of it occurring in non-lactating women as well, the cause here would be trauma, compromised immune function or hormonal changes.
•Symptoms: swelling, redness, breast pain, warmth, fever
•Breast clinics provide antibiotics, pain management, and other supportive measures.

Other Benign Conditions

•Breast clinics diagnose and treat a wide range of benign breast problems, in addition to the particular conditions listed above.
•These conditions include breast asymmetry, nipple abnormalities, rashes, and dimpling, as well as breast discomfort (mastalgia).
•Even though there may not be a serious health risk associated with these disorders, people may experience discomfort, anxiety, and cosmetic problems. To address these worries and reassure patients, breast clinics provide thorough assessments, diagnostic procedures, and customized treatment regimens.


Breast clinics are specialist medical facilities devoted to the thorough assessment and management of health issues pertaining to the breast. These clinics treat a wide range of less well-known disorders such fibroadenomas, breast cysts, galactorrhea, breast infections, and other benign breast conditions, even though breast cancer is a major emphasis. Breast clinics are essential for improving patient outcomes and promoting breast health because they provide individualized care, diagnostic examinations, and treatment options based on each patient's needs. Acknowledging the range of services offered by breast clinics and their influence on patients' lives beyond cancer diagnosis and treatment is crucial. The best breast clinic in Ahmedabadis at KD Blossom Women and Child Care Hospital.