Dr Jalpa Nagori
Consultant, IVF Specialist
Educational Qualifications
- MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Fellow in Infertility and IVF
8 + years of experience
Technical Skills
- Minimal and mild stimulation IVF
- Prevention of OHSS
- Reproductive endocrinology
- Ovulation Induction in women with PCOS
- Fertility treatment in women with Endometriosis
- Fertility treatment for women above 38 years, poor ovarian reserve and repeated IVF failures
- Reproductive Genetic science
- Genetic counselling
- Male infertility including management of Azoospermia
- Currently working as Consultant IVF at KD Hospital, Ahmedabad.
- Previously worked as a Consultant Gynaecologist at Dr.Nagori’s Institute of Infertility and I.V.F.
Papers and Publications
National Paper/Poster presentation:
- Poster on Normal Placenta –January 2014 at AOGS and SOGOG Obstetric conference (Current practical Scenario), Ahmedabad.
- Paper on Management of Pre-Eclampsia during Intrapartum period- September 2014 at CME on System Monitoring in Critical Care – A multidisciplinary conference by AMCMET Medical College.
- Paper on Effects of Eclampsia on Maternal and Fetal Outcome- May 2015 at the Annual Conference of Ahmedabad Medical Association.
- Study of Advances in Management of 68 cases of Ectopic Gestation in Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015 in International Journal of Science and Research.
- Original Article on Impact of Intraendometrial vascularity on Implantation rates in Frozen Blastocyst Transfer in Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 15 | Issue 4 | Year 2021.