COVID-19 In Babies: What Parents Need To Know About Symptoms And Transmission

Experts have been researching how covid-19 virus can affect infants since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The majority of the infants who test positive tend to have less or no symptoms, but they hold a higher risk as compared to older children. Therefore, parents need to take care of their kids while taking every possible safety precaution and understating the risks and symptoms of Covid-19. Even after two years of the coronavirus pandemic, parents continue to face new and lingering questions about Covid-19. Staying informed related to covid-19 symptoms and precautions is highly essential for parents to prevent higher risks. Read this blog to learn more about coronavirus symptoms, transmission, prevention methods, and more.

How Do Babies Get Covid-19?

After heading home from the hospital, your baby can be exposed to covid-19 through family, friends, relatives, and caregivers. You can reduce this risk by following some major safety precautions such as wearing a mask outside and sanitizing your hands when touching the baby. Furthermore, you must not allow someone to meet your baby who is sneezing or having a cold. One of the major reliefs for the mother is that she can feed her baby as the virus doesn't likely spread through breast milk. Moreover, indoor activities are riskier than outdoor activities but risks can be reduced by hand washing, sanitizing, masking, and improved ventilation. Are you looking for the best paediatrics in Ahmedabad? If yes, then must connect with KD Blossom Hospital as they deal with the healthcare of infants, kids, and adolescents up to the age of 14 years.

Covid-19 symptoms in babies

As per the reports, it has been identified that children under 1 year may be more likely to suffer from severe covid-19 infection as compared to older children. Symptoms of covid-19 in babies might include the following:

These symptoms usually show up within two to 14 days of exposure to the virus. Babies who face health complications might take a longer time to recover while babies with asymptomatic covid-19 take two to three weeks to recover. Furthermore, babies with medical complexities such as congenital heart disease, genetic or neurological problems, and metabolic conditions might be more likely to suffer severe illness. To find out if your baby has COVID-19, ask your pediatrician about testing the child.

Covid-19 complications in babies

Research shows that little ones have higher risks and complications of Covid-19 as compared to elders. Babies might face a Covid-19 complication which is Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children often known as MIS-C. This is a rare but possible covid-19 complication. This illness can cause severe inflammation in a baby's certain body parts such as the heart, lungs, eyes, skin, kidneys, brain, and gastrointestinal organs. It is treatable but in some cases, it can be deadly serious. Besides MIS-C, covid-19 complications also involve a higher risk of pneumonia, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), respiratory distress, and more in babies. If you see any of those complications in your baby, you must see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid bigger complications.

Can babies transmit covid-19?

It has been identified in the research that children carry a high viral load as compared to elders whether the symptoms are shown or not. It means babies might be spreading the virus unknowingly to their caregivers. This can be mainly dangerous for the grandparents as their immunity level is not so good and they can be easily affected due to the virus. Furthermore, younger children are more likely to spread the Covid-19 virus as compared to teenagers and older kids. Therefore, parents need to give proper hygiene lessons to their children so that they don't get sick. Proper hygiene and precaution are required to avoid bigger and more serious complications.

My baby has Covid-19 symptoms, what should I do?

If you are suspecting that your baby is affected by coronavirus or they have been exposed to it, then you must call a best paediatric doctor right away. They will suggest whether you require any treatment and testing or not based on the symptoms seen in the body. The treatment and protocol for covid-19 infection depend on the health condition of the children. The healthcare provider will guide you through the entire process of the treatment and the precaution that you need to take. It is also essential for parents to know the red flags for COVID-19 in infants. Also, a baby with covid-19 must stay away from other family members and must take measures to prevent household transmission.

It is highly essential to get vaccinated while pregnant or while trying to conceive if you haven't done it yet. Looking to get vaccinated before conceiving or delivering your child? If yes, then visit KD Blossom Hospital today. We have expertise in infertility services, full term 9 months care, fetal care, breast clinic, maternity and obstetrics services, paediatric and neonatal care, and child vaccination services, along with all diagnostic services, pathology lab, radiological services, physiotherapy services, proper diet and nutrition counselling and more.